60 Amazing Facts on Hands You Don't Know!

Facts on Hands: The hand is a prehensile or multi- fingered appendage located at the end of the forearm or forearm of a primate (best class mammal). These primates include humans, chimpanzees, monkey, and lemurs. A few other vertebrates, such as koalas, (each of which has a "hand" that has two opposite thumbs and a fingerprint similar to a human fingerprint) are called "hands" instead of holding them in front. They are called RadhakunsThey usually have "hands", although they do not have retro thumbs.

Some evolutionary anatomists use the term hand to refer more precisely to the fingers of the forelimbs - for example, whether the three fingers of a bird's hand are identical to the two missing fingers of a dinosaur's hand.

The human hand usually has five fingers: four fingers and one thumb. These are commonly referred to collectively as the five fingers, although, through this, the thumb is inserted into the finger. It has 28 bones excluding sesamoid bones, a number that varies from person to person, of which 14 are the phalanges of the fingers and toes (near, middle and distal). The meta carpel bone connects the fingers to the wrist carpel bone. Five in each man's handThere are meta carpels and eight carpel bones.

Some of the nerves in the body come to the fingers and end up in a densely connected state, so the tip of the finger is the most sensitive to touch. They also have the greatest ability to determine the position of the body. Thus, the feeling of touch is closely associated with the hand. Like the other joint organs of the body (eyes, legs, feet), each hand is affected and controlled by the hemisphere of the opposite brain, so that the dominance of one hand - the function of a single hand, such as writing, which hand is preferred, is reflected in the individual's brain function.

In humans, hands perform an important function in body language and sign language. Similarly, the number system and calculation technique came from the ten phalanges of two hands, and the twelve phalanges of four fingers.

60 Amazing Facts on Hands You Don't Know!

Interesting Facts About Hands

  • Nails stop growing after death
  • The human hand has 8 carpal bones.
  • The human hand has 14 phalange bones.
  • The human hand has 5 metacarpal bones.
  • A person can be right-handed or left-handed.
  • The human hand is made up of 27 different bones.
  • The phalange bones are also known as finger bones.
  • The human hand is divided into three main sections.
  • 6% of all men and 9.9% of all women are left-handed.
  • Structurally, fingernails are actually modified hairs.
  • The hands receive their blood supply from two main arteries.
  • You cannot get a tan on your palm and underside of your fingers.
  • It’s estimated that 90% of the human population is right-handed.
  • It takes up to 6 months for a fingernail to grow from root to tip.
  • The Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) ID for a human hand is D006225.
  • The Terminologia Anatomica (TA) ID for a human hand is A01.1.00.025.
  • Julius Caesar ordered the thumbs of captured prisoners to be cut off.
  • A human with no biological abnormalities has five fingers on each hand.
  • A hand is a five finger appendage located at the end of a human forearm.

Psychological Facts About Hands

  • There are skin and muscle on the human hand are powered by three nerves.
  • Men tend to have longer ring fingers than index fingers—girls vice versa.
  • The Foundational Model of Anatomy Ontology (FMA) ID for a human hand is 9712.
  • Holding hands has been shown to decrease levels of cortisol, the stress hormone.
  • There are 27 bones, 29 joints and at least 123 named ligaments in the human hand.
  • The three main sections of the human hand are the carpus, metacarpus and fingers.
  • The bones in the human hand make up about 25% of all the bones in the human body.
  • The palm of the human hand has over 17,000 touch receptors and free nerve endings.
  • A human with no biological abnormalities has two hands, a left hand and a right hand.
  • Nine individual muscles control the thumb; 3 major hand nerves control the thumb muscles.
  • Fingers don’t have muscles—tendons in our fingers are moved by the muscles of the forearm.
  • The average hand length for adult women is 6.7 inches. The average length for men is 7.4 inches.
  • The human hand has over 30 muscles that work together with joints, bones and nerves to give mobility.
  • Touch can increase the release of oxytocin. This “feel good hormone” is released during bonding activities.
  • Animals that have appendages that are anatomically classified as hands are chimpanzees, lemurs and monkeys.
  • The five fingers on the human hand are the thumb, index finger, middle finger, ring finger and little finger.
  • Over the course of an entire human lifespan the fingers on a human hand bend and stretch over 25 million times.

Fun Facts about Hands and Feet

  • Hands allow humans to manipulate objects, lift heavy objects and complete small complex tasks with their fingers.
  • Hand surgeons say that the index finger is the best one to lose—if you had a choice. The index finger is needed the least.
  • There are tons of words that include the word ‘hand’: handy, handwriting, handiwork, handle, handbag, handsome, handball, etc.
  • Only primates have hands. The 300 primate species include humans, apes, monkeys and prosimians (lemurs, lorises and tarsiers).
  • One quarter of the brain’s motor cortex, which is the area that controls all movement, is dedicated to moving the hand muscles.
  • Some anatomists don’t consider the thumb a finger, and in those situations the hand is considered to have four fingers and a thumb.
  • The color of the nails and those small “moons” on each nail can identify the quality of oxygen level of the bloodstream and blood circulation.
  • Only 10 to 15% of the entire human population is left-handed. Only one in one hundred are ambidextrous, meaning able to use both hands equally.
  • Our fingers are even more sensitive than the eyes—the fingertips have a large number of receptors responsible for sending messages to the brain.
  • There are around 29 major and minor bones in the human hand. This number is not universal; some of us actually have more or less bones then others.
  • A person who is right-handed person will use their right hand most of the time to complete tasks, while a left-handed person will use their left hand.
  • Humans have the most advanced hands and fingers on the planet, but other animals also have forearm appendages that are anatomically classified as hands.
  • The three nerves powering the human hand are the radial nerve (nervus radialis), the median nerve (nervus medianus) and the ulnar nerve (nervus ulnaris).
  • Fingerprints are a completely unique DNA imprint that is different in every single human being. No two human beings in the world have similar fingerprints.
  • What sets our hands apart from other animals is our opposable thumbs—this means our thumbs and fingers can work together (fun fact: koala bears also have opposable thumbs).
  • Human hands are able to make grips that other primates, such as chimps and gorillas, cannot. This is because we have shorter hands and longer, more powerful thumbs then our primate relatives.
  • The vein on your ring finger is called Venna Amoris—it has a direct line with the human heart and is known as the vein of love. That’s why we wear an engagement ring on the left hand’s finger!
  • Your fingernails show your state of health—they can indicate problems such as mineral or vitamin deficiencies, liver trouble, thyroid or anemia. Some warning signs of deficiencies that show up on your nails may be that they are brittle, pale or spotted.

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