100 Shocking Facts About Air Pollution

Facts About Air Pollution - Air pollution is the contamination of air due to the presence of substances in the atmosphere that are harmful to the health of humans and other living beings, or cause damage to the climate or to materials. There are many different types of air pollutants, such as gases (including ammonia, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, methane, carbon dioxide, and chlorofluorocarbons), particulates (both organic and inorganic), and biological molecules. Air pollution can cause diseases, allergies, and even death to humans; it can also cause harm to other living organisms such as animals and food crops and may damage the natural environment (for example, climate change, ozone depletion, or habitat degradation) or built environment (for example, acid rain). Air pollution can be caused by both human activities and natural phenomena.

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Shocking Facts About Air Pollution

Shocking Facts About Air Pollution

  • Indoor air pollution is 2-5 times worse than the air outdoors.
  • Outdoor air pollution ranks among the top ten killers on earth.
  • A single bus carries passengers who are likely to drive 40 cars.
  • By 2050, 6 million people will die per year due to air pollution.
  • Air pollution and resulting deaths are increasing fastest in Asia.
  • Deaths caused by air pollution cost the European Union €161 billion.
  • Air pollution in China can travel up to Central Valley of California.
  • Air pollution caused in traffic increase the chances of heart attack.
  • 70% of the air pollution caused in Chinese cities is due to tailpipes.
  • Air pollution in India is estimated to cause 527, 700 deaths every year.
  • Heavy crude oil increases air pollution by 40% more than light crude oil.
  • The best ways to reduce air pollution are by walking and riding a bicycle.
  • Inhaling air pollution takes away at least 1-2 years of a typical human life.
  • 65% of the deaths in Asia and 25% of deaths in India is due to air pollution.
  • Around 2 million cars in Manila and the Philippines cause 80% of air pollution.
  • It is estimated that 750,000 people die in china prematurely due to air pollution.
  • People in many cities wear masks continually to save themselves from air pollution.
  • Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 sea mammals are killed by pollution every year.
  • Rising levels of air pollution in Beijing has brought a new disease – Beijing cough.
  • 28% of Americans believe they are most affected by air pollution caused by vehicles.
  • The number of people who die in America every year due to air pollution is above 50,000.
  • Children’s IQ could also turn out to be deteriorated with excess exposure to air pollutants.
  • 5,000 premature deaths in Southern California are caused due to pollution from diesel trucks.
  • 300,000 in China die every year due to heart disease and lung cancer caused by air pollution.
  • Electric vehicles produce fewer air pollutants. They stir up dirt but without producing gases.
  • Air pollution is not a recent occurrence. In 1952, the Great Smog of London killed 8000 people.
  • Air pollution that causes smog affects dolphins and makes them suffer from black lung diseases.
  • Annually, air pollution causes approximately 36,000 premature deaths in the United Kingdom alone.
  • In the whole of Europe, it is claimed that among some other cities, London has the filthiest air.
  • The most hazardous pollutants are released from the air and less from the water and land together.
  • 80% of lung diseases is caused due to pollution from other cars, buses, trucks and other vehicles.
  • Approximately 40% of the lakes in America are too polluted for fishing, aquatic life, or swimming.
  • It has effects as small as burning eyes and itchy throat to as large as breathing problems and death.
  • According to the California Department of Education, Asthma is a leading cause of school absenteeism.
  • Producing heavy crude oil increases the chances of air pollution by 40% than producing light crude oil.
  • Travels at Grand Canyon are unable to see the other side due to air pollution, which is 1000 miles away.
  • Pollutants that are released into the air, as opposed to land and water pollutants, are the most harmful.
  • An average American breathes 2 gallons of air per minute, which means around 3400 gallons of air each day.
  • Air pollution in California kills 25,000 people per year and costs $200 million worth of medical expenses.
  • Pollution caused by the fine particles suspended in air results in about 29,000 premature deaths annually.
  • Toxic air pollution poses a greater threat to children due to their smaller physical size and lung capacity.
  • Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, stormwater, and industrial waste are dumped into US water.
  • Research by MIT proves that around 13,000 British citizens die due to air pollution from vehicles and power plants.
  • In the last 4 years alone, the United Kingdom has seen a staggering 26 times increase in the use of electric vehicles.
  • Switching to more efficient and cleaner fuels from solid fuels(wood, biomass) can help you to reduce indoor air pollution.
  • The tiniest of the airborne particles in the air can enter our lungs through our bloodstream and can cause several fatal diseases.
  • A study claims that a child who has been born today might not be able to breathe proper fresh air until they turn about 8 years old.
  • Recycling and composting prevented 85 million tons of material away from being disposed of in 2010, up from 18 million tons in 1980.
  • Air pollution is the biggest cause of death in the United Kingdom. In fact, it is one of the major causes that kill people worldwide.
  • According to the Lancet journal, air pollution caused by waiting in traffic increases the chances of death caused due to heart attack.
  • The air pollution situation is so bad now that in London alone, 9000 deaths are caused annually just because of some invisible air pollution.
  • Pollution is one of the biggest global killers, affecting over 100 million people. That’s comparable to global diseases like malaria and HIV.
  • During a heavy traffic jam, pollutants outside can seep into your car, making the air inside your car 10 times more polluted than typical city air.
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or PAH can also cause Attention Deficiency Disorder in children. It could also worsen up any possible symptoms of ADHD.
  • People who live in places with high levels of air pollutants have a 20% higher risk of death from lung cancer than people who live in less-polluted areas.
  • The climate change that is caused due to air pollution results in the change of the season of pollination. This, in turn, harms the ecological balance of the earth.
  • The US Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) has been authorized through the Clean Air Act to regulate the amount of emissions made in order to protect public health.
  • Pollens also add to the contributing factors to air pollution. In fact, it is one of the sources that have the most allergens and triggers allergic reactions in many.
  • In 1975, the National Academy of Sciences estimated that ocean-based sources, such as cargo ships and cruise liners had dumped 14 billion pounds of garbage into the ocean.
  • People who live near high traffic roads face a greater risk of cancer, heart disease, asthma and bronchitis as these places contain more concentrated levels of air pollution.
  • Sitting inside a car exposes a person to huge amounts of air pollutants. While sitting a car, a person is exposed to 8 times more pollutants than a cyclist who is riding past it.
  • NRDC’s Climate and Clean Air program estimates that they can make an HFC phase-down that would help curtail about 80 billion tons of carbon dioxide over the period of the next 35 years.
  • While children make up 10% of the world’s population, over 40% of the global burden of disease falls on them. More than 3 million children under age five die annually from environmental factors.
  • Americans make up an estimated 5% of the world’s population. However, the US uses 25% of the world’s resources - burning up nearly 25% of the coal, 26% of the oil, and 27% of the world’s natural gas.
  • Cleanups can save animals’ lives and discourage people from littering in the future. Take initiative and host a cleanup -- wearing anything but clothes! -- at a park near you. Sign up for ABC Cleanup.
  • The Mississippi River carries an estimated 1.5 million metric tons of nitrogen pollution into the Gulf of Mexico each year, creating a “dead zone” in the Gulf each summer about the size of New Jersey.
  • According to the 2014 reports of the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), carbon dioxide accounts for a total of 81 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions, while methane accounts for approximately 11 percent.
  • Deforestation is one of the major causes of air pollution too. With a decreased number of plants and trees to absorb the harmful carbon dioxide emissions for the purpose of photosynthesis, the extent of air pollution increases manifold.
  • Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, also known as PAH, are released from the vehicular exhausts. When human beings are exposed to excessive quantities of the same, it can adversely affect their liver and can also permanently damage the same.
  • In many parts of the United States, air pollution has reduced the distance of visibility by almost 70%. This is alarmingly dangerous because, with such reduced rates of visibility, it is quite natural that the number of road accidents too would increase alarmingly.

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