70 Facts About Dogwood Trees

Dogwood Tree

70 Facts About Dogwood Trees

  • The average height of a dogwood tree is around 33 feet.
  • The average diameter of a dogwood tree trunk is 1 foot.
  • The leaves of the dogwood tree have an ovate shape.
  • The leaves of the dogwood tree have a length between 2 and 5 inches.
  • The leaves of the dogwood tree have a width between 1.5 and 2.5 inches.
  • The flowers of the dogwood tree can be red, pink or white.
  • The fruit of the dogwood tree is red to yellowish red.
  • It can live for up to 80 years or more. Thus, you can enjoy the visual treat for about 80 years!
  • During summer, when the flowering is over, the tree gets covered with attractive green foliage. In autumn, shiny red fruits attract birds towards the tree. The leaves turn red and purple in fall.
  • Pagoda dogwood, Cherokee Chief, Flowering dogwood, Carnelian Cherry, Japanese dogwood, Pacific dogwood are some of the common varieties.
  • The tree requires well-dug, well-drained soil. Applying mulch once every year is essential to make the soil rich in nutrients.
  • Taking care of a dogwood tree involves providing lime, fertilizer, and organic compost to the tree, and watering it regularly. Timely pruning is required to avoid diseases and insect infestations.
  • Native Americans used the root of dogwood to attract muskrats into the traps.
  • The bark of dogwood is a rich source of bitter-tasting tannins that can be used in the treatment of malaria. Tea made of bark can be used in the treatment of pain and fever. Dogwood plays important role in traditional Chinese medicine where it is used in the treatment of dizziness, weakness, pain in the knees and back, uterine bleeding, and excessive sweating.
  • Dogwood can survive from 25 to 30 years under optimal conditions.
Spring Dogwood Flowers
  • The dogwood tree is a small flowering tree species in the Cornus genus.
  • The common name for the dogwood tree is the flowering dogwood.
  • Botanists recognize two subspecies of the dogwood tree.
  • The dogwood tree is a deciduous tree, which means it loses its leaves seasonally.
  • The lifespan of a dogwood tree tops out at around 80 years.
  • The dogwood tree contains both male and female reproductive organs. This allows it to self-pollinate and means it can produce seeds on its own.
  • The fruit of the dogwood tree is a popular food source for many different bird species. The birds who consume these seeds help disperse them through their feces.
  • Dogwood produces bisexual flowers (they contain both male and female reproductive organs). Tree blooms during the spring and attracts numerous insects, responsible for the pollination of the flowers.
  • The fruit of dogwood is botanically known as a drupe (stone fruit). It is oval, berry-like, usually brightly colored (red or pink), and filled with one or two seeds.
  • Fruit and seed of dogwood represent important sources of food for the wild species of birds and mammals.
  • In the Victorian Era, young men used to present dogwood flowers to unmarried women to convey affection. If the woman kept the flower, it was considered a sign of mutual interest! Women who wanted to convey indifference used to return the flower!
  • An interesting factoid about this popular plant is that the cross used to crucify Jesus Christ is considered to have been made from dogwood. It is believed that Jesus made the tree dwarf after his crucifixion; twisted branches of the tree are supposed to be reminders of the miraculous process that turned a normal-sized tree into a dwarf one!
  • Dogwood inflorescence represents the crucifixion, as it consists of four cross-shaped bracts. It is believed that each bract represents the corners of the cross, and the red stamen symbolizes the crown of thorn that Jesus wore.
  • Dogwood can grow in the form of a bush or small tree. It rarely exceeds the height of 15 to 25 feet.
  • Dogwood produces simple, green leaves with wavy edges. Leaves are usually oppositely arranged on the branches.
  • Dogwood flowers are not "true" flowers. White petals are actually bracts, modified leaves that surround centrally positioned miniature yellowish-green flower heads. Each flower head consists of 20 to 30 individual flowers.
  • Fruit of some species of dogwood is used in the human diet. Dogwood "berries" can be consumed fresh, or in the form of jams and wines.
  • According to the legend, Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross made of dogwood. God was angry and he transformed this once tall plant into a small tree to prevent similar abuse of wood in the future.
  • During the Victorian Era, men were testing the affection of unmarried women using dogwood blossoms. Acceptance of the flower was a signal that a woman is interested. The returned flower was a sign of unrequited love.
  • The dogwood tree belongs to the family Cornaceae, and its scientific name is Cornus florida. It is quite common in North America. It is an ornamental tree and is also known as a hound’s tree.
  • The fruits are known as dogberries or round berries. Fruits obtained from some species of dogwood are eaten, but they do not have a delicious flavor and are not particularly popular.
  • Wood obtained from the tree is quite hard and strong and is hence used to make different types of tools, such as walking canes, loom shuttles, etc.
  • Its flowers are very attractive. Those who are fond of flowering trees should definitely consider planting a dogwood tree in their garden.
  • Farmers in the southeastern parts of the USA often wait for the completion of the blooming of dogwood before they start to plant important crops (especially corn).
  • Bark-free branches of dogwood were used as toothbrushes in the past.
  • The wood of dogwood is used in the manufacture of roller skates, tool handles, spools, spindles, and golf club heads.
  • The height of the tree varies according to the cultivar. Usually, it grows up to a height of 30-35 feet. Being an ornamental tree for landscaping, it is usually planted in the front yard of the house.
  • The appearance of white flowers on the tree indicates the arrival of spring. This tree is among the first to bloom.
  • You may drink the extract or the tea made from the bark of the tree for reducing fever. The bark is also used to treat mange and malaria.
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