170 Unknown Facts About YouTube
- The platform has over 1.9bn logged in monthly users.
- 6 out of 10 people prefer online video platforms to live TV.
- The first adverts were rolled out in August 2007
- In May 2010, YouTube served more than 2 billion views a day.
- YouTube first streamed the US Presidential debates in 2012.
- By March 2013, YouTube was seeing 1bn monthly active users.
- 70% of YouTube views come from mobile devices.
- The platform has also launched in over 91 countries
- 9% of U.S small businesses use YouTube.
- The same brands have an average of 2.4 channels.
- Searches of “how to” videos on YouTube are growing 70% year on year.
- The longest Video ever on YouTube is 48 hours (2 days!)
- The ‘how to’ video category is the fastest growing vertical on YouTube
- YouTube has 490 million users worldwide (unique visitors per month)
- It generates an estimated 92 billion page views each month.
- The average YouTube user visits the site 14 times per month
- 70% of YouTube traffic comes from outside the US
- YouTube is localized in 25 countries across 43 languages
- YouTube’s demographic is broad: 18-54 years old
- YouTube reached over 700 billion playbacks in 2010
- Millions of videos are favorited every day
- YouTube mobile gets over 100 million views a day
- The YouTube player is embedded across tens of millions of websites
- They have signed over 10,000 advertising partners to date, including Disney, Turner, Univision and Channel 4 and Channel 5
- Hundreds of partners are making six figures a year
- There are over 7,000 hours of full-length movies and shows on YouTube
- Over 4 million people are connected and auto-sharing to at least one social network
- An AutoShared Tweet results in 6 new youtube.com sessions
- Over 5 million people have found and subscribed to at least one friend on YouTube using friend-finding tools
- Millions of subscriptions happen each day. Subscriptions allow you to connect with someone you’re interested in—whether it’s a friend, or the NBA—and keep up on their activity on the site.
- Users like Machinima, MysteryGuitarMan, Fred, collegehumor, and UniversalMusicGroup have millions of subscribers
- Automated Content ID (which detects duplicate content to prevent copyright infringements) scans over 100 years of video every day
- More than 1000 partners are using Content ID, including every major US network broadcaster, movie studio and record label
- Over a third of YouTube’s total monetized views come from Content ID
- More than 50% of videos on YouTube have been rated or include comments from the community
- YouTube says that on average there are more than 400 tweets per minute containing a YouTube link
- The most watched video (that is not a music video) is “Charlie Bit My Finger” with currently 317 million views
- The most watched music video is Justin Bieber’s “Baby” which currently has over 536 million views
- In 2009 the US Congress and President YouTube channels were launched
- Aside from the US, the most YouTube views come from Saudi Arabia. This is because TV, Facebook, and Twitter are banned in Saudi Arabia, but YouTube is unrestricted.
- The most popular tutorial that is searched for is “How to kiss.” The second most-searched-for tutorial is “how to tie a tie.”
- The most popular topic that is searched for is, of course, music!
- The total amount of videos uploaded in 2010 is the equivalent of 150,000+ full-length movies in theaters every week.
- The first world leader to create a YouTube channel was the British Prime Minister, Tony Blair who made his account in 2007.
- Based on a 2013 study, 60% of the 1,000 most viewed YouTube videos are banned in Germany.
- The most-disliked YouTube video is YouTube’s own ‘YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind’. The most-liked YouTube video is our familiar friend ‘Despacito’.
- The most-watched video of 2019 was Con Calma by Daddy Yankee & Snow. (Source: BuzzSumo YouTube Analyzer)
- The most-upvoted video of 2019 was Señorita by Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello. (Source: BuzzSumo YouTube Analyzer)
- The most-downvoted video of 2019 was YouTube’s own 2019 rewind. Ouch. (Source: BuzzSumo YouTube Analyzer)
- On average, there are 1,000,000,000 mobile video views per day.
- The most searched term on YouTube is ‘despacito’, followed by ‘bts’. In the US the biggest search term is ‘pewdiepie’.
- The most popular branded channel, after T-Series, is the WWE’, which has amassed over 53m subscribers.
- Viewers who complete TrueView ads—watched to completion or at least 30 seconds—were 23 times more likely to visit or subscribe to a brand channel, watch more by that brand, or share the brand video.
- Viewers who are exposed to TrueView ads but who don’t watch to completion are still 10 times more likely to take one of those actions.
- When brands use TrueView, they see views of previously existing content increase by up to 500% after posting new videos.
- As of Jan 2020, the 93% of the most-watched videos were music videos.
- Interbrand’s Top 100 Brands are collectively uploading a video to YouTube every 18.5 minutes.
- The domain name “YouTube.com” was activated on February 14, 2005
- The first YouTube video was uploaded on 23 April 2005. Me at the Zoo shows co-founder Jawed Karim at the San Diego Zoo
- On October 9, 2006, it was announced that YouTube would be purchased by Google for US$1.65 billion
- By 2025, half of viewers under 32 will not subscribe to a pay-TV service
- In an average month, 8 out of 10 18-49 year-olds watch YouTube, while 90% of America 18-24 year olds use it
- In 2015, 18-49 year-olds spent 4% less time watching TV while time on YouTube went up 74%
- On mobile alone, YouTube reaches more 18-49 year-olds than any broadcast or cable TV network
- You can navigate YouTube in a total of 80 different languages (covering 95% of the Internet population)
- Ryan, better known as Ryan ToysReview, is the highest earning YouTuber, bringing in $22m in 2018.
- YouTube is the world’s second largest search engine and second most visited site after Google.
- YouTube is the 2nd most popular social media platform with 1.9bn users.
- 500 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute.
- We watch over 1 billion hours of YouTube videos a day, more than Netflix and Facebook video combined.
- The average mobile viewing session lasts more than 40 minutes.
- The first video to hit one million views was a Nike advert featuring Ronaldinho.
- The video with the highest number of views is currently the music video for ‘Despacito’ by Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee. It has over 6.6bn views.
- It took Gangnam Style, a previous most watched video, five months to hit 1 billion views. In comparison, Despacito took just 97 days.
- The video with the most views that isn’t a music video is ‘Masha and The Bear – Recipe for disaster (Episode 17)’ by Get Movies. It currently has over 4bn views.
- The most subscribed to YouTube channels belong to T-Series, followed by PewDiePie, and Cocomelon – Nursery Rhymes (not included YouTube’s automatically generated channels).
- 81% of US parents use YouTube to find content for their children.
- Over half of YouTube users use the site to work out how to do things they’ve not done before:
- Among millennials, YouTube accounts for two-thirds of the premium online video watched across devices.
- As of Nov 2018, YouTube has paid out $3 billion to rights holders since 2007.
- The number of channels earning six figures each year on YouTube has increased by 40% year on year.
- YouTube was founded on February 14, 2005, by three ex-PayPal employees.
- It was originally funded with the bonuses that the employees received when eBay bought out PayPal.
- The first-ever YouTube video was uploaded on April 23, 2005. It is a video of its co-founder at the San Diego Zoo.
- Initially, YouTube was created to be a video dating site called “Tune In Hook Up.”
- Only 18 months after YouTube was founded, Google bought it for $1.65 billion in stocks.
- There are over one billion users on YouTube, which is nearly one-third of everyone on the Internet.
- YouTube opened a production space in Los Angeles that is free to use – but only if you have at least 10,000 subscribers.
- The oldest cat video on YouTube is dated back to 1894. It features two cats boxing.
- Every minute, over 100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube.
- In 2014, the famous YouTube star, Grumpy Cat, earned more money Gwyneth Paltrow – an Oscar-Winning Actress.
- Google, of course, is the biggest search engine in the world. But right behind it, is Youtube, which is bigger than Bing, Yahoo!, and Ask combined.
- Every April Fool’s Day, YouTube plays a prank on its millions of users.
- When they played their first prank, they turned the website upside down and Rick Rolled everyone.
- Rickrolling made its first appearance on YouTube in 2009. At the height of Rickrolling which was 2008, over 18 million U.S. adults were Rickrolled.
- Every month, YouTubers watch 6 billion hours of videos per month, and 4 billion videos every day.
- The longest video on YouTube is 571 hours, 1 minute, and 41 seconds long. That’s the same as 23 days and 19 hours!
- The video to first reach 1 billion views the fastest was Hello by Adele. It reached 1 billion views in 88 days.
- The video to reach the most views in the first day of being uploaded is Star Wars: The Force Awakens Official Teaser #2. It reached 112 million views in 24 hours.
- Justin Bieber is one of the first YouTube success stories. He posted covers on YouTube that were discovered by Usher which paved the road to his astounding level of fame.
- Every day, over 150 years of YouTube are watched on Facebook.
- In Thailand, YouTube was blocked for 5 months in 2007 due to a 44-second video that showed pictures of the king being defaced.
- There is a program to scan for copyright infringement called Automated Content ID – it scans over 100 years of video every day.
- Every minute, there are 400 tweets going out that include a link to a YouTube video.
- In 2011, 30% of all the videos on YouTube account for over 99% of views.
- YouTube was created by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim in 2005 who were all employees of Paypal
- YouTube was initially funded by bonuses received following the eBay buy-out of PayPal
- The domain name YouTube.com was registered on Valentine’s Day in 2005
- The domain name caused a huge misunderstanding for Universal Tube & Rollform Equipment. Its company domain, “utube.com,” was overwhelmed with traffic from people that tried to spell the video site’s name phonetically
- The first video on YouTube is of one of the co-founders Jawed Karim talking about elephant’s trunks titled “Me at the Zoo” shot at the San Diego Zoo.
- The first video has received over 4.8 million views
- Google paid $1.65 billion for YouTube in November 2006
- Google serves over 6 times more videos than its next closest competitor according to Nielsen
- Google’s auto speech recognition technology translates 51 languages including captions
- The average user spends an average of 25 minutes on the site each time they visit.
- The average user spends 5 hours and 50 minutes per month (not as much as Facebook)
- Together, we spend 2.9 billion hours on YouTube in a month. That’s 326,294 years.
- More than 13 million hours of video were uploaded during 2010 and 35 hours of video are uploaded every minute.
- The amount of video uploaded in 2010 is the equivalent of 150,000+ full-length movies in theaters each week
- More video is uploaded to YouTube in 60 days than the 3 major US networks created in 60 years
- YouTube is monetizing over 2 billion video views per week globally
- 94 of AdAge’s Top 100 advertisers have run campaigns on YouTube and the Google Display Network
- The number of advertisers using display ads on YouTube increased by 1,000% in the last year
- YouTube has more HD content than any other online video site
- 10% of YouTube’s videos are available in HD
- The founding trio didn’t come up with the YouTube concept straight away. Legend has it that YouTube began life as a video dating site dubbed “Tune In Hook Up,” said to be influenced by hotornot. The three ultimately decided not to go that route
- The inspiration for YouTube as we know it today is credited to two different events. The first was Karim’s inability to find footage online of Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction,” and the second when Hurley and Chen were unable to share video footage of a dinner party due to e-mail attachment limitations.
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