100 Unbelievable Facts About Flower

Facts About Flowers: Flowers are the reproductive structures found in plants. Flowers are used by humans for decoration and medicine. Apart from this, they are also used extensively in decorating homes and offices. Flower farming has been done in India for a long time, but the production of flowers as an economically profitable business has started only in the last few years. Come let's know more about flowers.

100 Unbelievable Facts About Flower

100+ Interesting Facts About Flower

  • The state flower for Maine is a pinecone.
  • White flowers smell stronger than colorful ones.
  • Tulip bulbs can be substituted for onions in a recipe.
  • You can make caffeine-free coffee from dandelion leaves!
  • Moon flowers bloom only at night, closing during the day.
  • Lilies are beautiful flowers, but they are highly toxic for cats.
  • Tulip bulbs were more valuable than gold in Holland in the 1600s.
  • Bamboos are a flowering plant, but it only flowers every few years.
  • Ancient civilizations burned aster leaves to ward off evil spirits.
  • The juice from bluebell flowers was used historically to make glue.
  • In 2010, around 198 million roses were produced for Valentine's Day.
  • Tulips can keep growing up to an inch per day even after they are cut.
  • Daffodil bulbs look a lot like onions but they are actually poisonous!
  • The very expensive spice, saffron, comes from a type of crocus flower.
  • In the US, almost 60% of all freshly cut flowers are grown in California.
  • In Holland in the 17th century, tulip bulbs were more valuable than gold.
  • Flowering nicotiana is related to tobacco, from which cigarettes are made.

Amazing Facts About Flowers

  • Certain flowers only release pollen when they can feel a bee buzzing on them.
  • The flower buds of the marsh marigold are pickled as a substitute for capers.
  • The nice scent of roses comes from microscopic perfume glands on their petals.
  • Almost 60 percent of fresh-cut flowers grown in the U.S. come from California.
  • Orchids don't need soil to grow: they get all the nutrients they need from air.
  • Roses are related to apples, cherries, raspberries, peaches, pears and almonds.
  • Sunflower seeds contain a chemical which prevents plants from growing near them.
  • Chrysanthemums are associated with funerals in Malta and are considered unlucky.
  • The Bird of Paradise is actually a flowering plant that looks like a tropical bird.
  • During the Middle Ages, lady’s mantle was thought to have magic healing properties.
  • Many species of plants face extinction: it is thought that 25% of flowers are at risk.
  • Moon flowers are called that because they bloom only at night and close during the day.
  • Saffron, one of the most expensive spices in the world, comes from a type of crocus flower.
  • Broccoli, cauliflower and artichokes are known as vegetables but they are actually flowers!
  • Sunflowers move throughout the day in response to the movement of the sun from east to west.
  • Carnivorous plants like the Venus fly trap are flowering plants that eat bugs and small animals.
  • The skeleton flower's petals turn transparent when they are wet and back to white when they dry.
  • To keep cut flowers fresh for longer, add a bit of sugar or citrus soda to the water in the vase.
  • There exists a variety of flower called the Chocolate Cosmos which actually smells like chocolate!
  • Roses are related to apples, raspberries, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines, pears and almonds.
  • Of the 400,000 species of flower plants which exist in the world, over 35 000 are species of roses.

Scientific Facts About Flowers

  • If you want to sleep better, place some Gerbera daisies by your bed: they emit oxygen and absorb toxins.
  • Gas plants produce a clear gas on humid, warm nights. This gas is said to be ignitable with a lit match.
  • The heads of sunflowers move throughout the day to follow the route of the sun from the east to the west.
  • National Geographic estimates that about 571 species of flowers have already gone extinct since the 1750s.
  • Some bats are pollinators, as there is a species in Mexico that feeds only on the nectar of cactus flowers.
  • The lotus is also a sacred flower for Buddhists: it represents purity of the body, the mind and the spirit.
  • The pH level of the soil determines the colour of Hydrangeas. Alkaline soil will tint the flowers in a pink hue.
  • The agave is known as a monocarpic plant, meaning it can stay dormant for years and only blooms once and then dies.
  • Daisies are thought to have medicinal properties such as relieving indigestion, easing coughs and easing back pains.
  • Scientists managed to resurrect a 32,000 years old Arctic flower in Siberia by using seeds buried by an Ice Age squirrel.
  • In Russia, it is tradition to give an odd number of flowers for a happy occasion, and an even number to send condolences.
  • There is a flower named Foxglove as people believed that foxes slipped their paws into its leaves to sneak up on their prey.
  • The largest flower auction in the world is in the Netherlands, in Aalsmer. About 20 million flowers a day are auctioned there.
  • The world's oldest flower bloomed about 125 million years ago. It was discovered in 2002 in China and it resembles a water lily.
  • The English name for dandelion flowers comes from the French 'dent de lion' meaning "lion teeth" due to the shape of its leaves.
  • Blue cohosh, also known as squaw root or papoose root, was used by Native American women to ensure an easy labor and childbirth.
  • The ghost flower is called that because it contains no chlorophyll, the pigment which makes plants green. As such, it is ghostly white.

Information About Flowers

  • The Sego Lily plant is the state flower of Utah because it is what Mormon pioneers lived off when they arrived in the Salt Lake Valley.
  • Foxglove is an old English name, derived from the belief that foxes slipped their feet into the leaves of the plant to sneak up on prey.
  • There are more than 400,000 plants which flower in the world, but many have not been discovered yet so that number is likely to be higher.
  • Rose oil is very expensive and labor intensive to make: making five milliliters of oil requires about 250,000 rose petals, or 10,000 roses!
  • There exists some gas plants which produce a clear gas on warm, humid nights. It's said that you can ignite the gas with a match or a lighter.
  • Vanilla flowers are really delicate: they only open for a couple of hours at a time and need to be pollinated by hand to produce a vanilla bean.
  • The Oleander is the official flower of the city of Hiroshima in Japan as it was the first thing to bloom after the atomic bomb explosion n 1945.
  • When Mormon pioneers arrived in the Salt Lake Valley, they subsisted on the roots of the Sego Lily Plant. This plant is the state flower of Utah.
  • Food scarcity during World War 2 prompted families in Europe to use tulip bulbs as food source and some even used these as replacement of onions.
  • Angelica was thought to be a cure to everything in Europe: it was even used as a cure from the bubonic plague and was thought to detract evil spirits.
  • These flowers absorb CO2 and other toxins from air and emit oxygen at night. Keep some gerbera daisies next to your bed if you want a good night’s sleep.
  • Angelica was used in Europe for hundreds of years as a cure for everything from the bubonic plague to indigestion. It was thought to ward off evil spirits.

Romantic Facts About Flowers

  • If you're out of onions, you can substitute them with a tulip bulb! However, you should make sure it is a fresh bulb that has not been exposed to pesticides.
  • There are about 4,000 species of orchids around the world, but 1,500 of them are in Colombia. It is no surprise that the orchid is Colombia's national flower!
  • The Juliet rose is a beautiful apricot hued flower and also the most expensive rose ever developed. It took its breeder David Austin $4.37 million and 15 years to create!
  • The thistle is Scotland's national flower because when the Vikings invaded hundreds of years ago, they were slowed down by patches of thistle which allowed the Scots to escape.
  • Dandelions are often said to represent three celestial bodies: the yellow flower represents the sun, the ball of pollen the moon and the white seeds which fly off represent stars.
  • Scientists discovered the world’s oldest flower in 2002, in northeast China. The flower, named Archaefructus sinensis, bloomed around 125 million years ago and resembles a water lily.
  • Dandelion leaves are often treated as weeds, but in fact they are a very good source of vitamins A and C, as well as iron, calcium and potassium. They can be used to make a healthy salad!
  • The most expensive flower ever sold is a Shenzhen Nongke Orchid. It took eight years to develop and it only blooms once every four to five years, but it was sold for $200,000 at an auction!
  • The smallest flower in the world is the Wolffia globosa or Watermeal. This tiny green plant is the size of a grain of rice, and the flower is located in a small hole in the surface of the plant.
  • Dandelions might seem like weeds, but the flowers and leaves are a good source of vitamins A and C, iron, calcium and potassium. One cup of dandelion greens provides 7,000-13,000 I.U. of vitamin A.
  • The nature of the soil it grows in, such as its acidity level, determines the colour of hydrangeas. If the soil is less acidic the flower will be pink, and the more acidic it is the bluer the flower!
  • The agave plant is often called “the century plant.” That is because it can live for years without growing any flowers. Then, at the end of its life, an agave plant produces a single flower and dies.
  • Greek mythology says that when Achilles was born, his mother plunged him into a bath of yarrow tea, a flower known for its protective qualities. Yarrow was also used to heal soldiers during World War I.
  • Hundreds of years ago, when Vikings invaded Scotland, they were slowed by patches of wild thistle, allowing the Scots time to escape. Because of this, the wild thistle was named Scotland’s national flower.

Facts About Flowers for Kids

  • There is an entire language built around flowers: it is called floriography. The flowers don't usually represent words but emotions and feelings. Florists can make talking bouquets to carry encoded messages!
  • Floating sunflower rafts were used to clean up water contamination from Chernobyl disaster. The roots of the flowers were found to eliminate up to 95% of radioactivity by absorbing contaminants out of water.
  • Talking of expressing love, how can we forget chocolates? Wondering what is the connection between flowers and cocoa beans? Well, chocolate cosmos, the beautiful, burgundy flowers, smell exactly like chocolate.
  • When Achilles was born, his mother dipped him head first in a bath of yarrow tea, believing it had protective qualities. Yarrow is still known for healing and was used during World War I to heal soldiers’ wounds.
  • Flowers are the reproductive structure of flowering plants. When insects or birds come to take nectar from a flower, they pollinate it by moving pollen from one flower into another's pistil (the female part of the flower).
  • The Juliet rose is also known as the $4.37 million rose. That is how much famed rose breeder David Austin had spent to create the apricot-hued hybrid over the course of 15 years. It debuted in 2006 at the Chelsea Flower Show.
  • The largest flower in the world can be up to ten feet tall and three feet wide, and it can weigh up to 24 pounds! It is called the Titan Arum and it has a distinctive smell of rotting flesh, hence why it is also known as the "corpse flower".
  • The cornstarch-like powder known as arrowroot is derived from the plant, Marantha arundinacea, and is native to India. It was used by indigenous people to draw out the toxins from a poisoned arrow wound. Today, it is used to thicken pies and jellies.
  • The largest flower in the world is the titan arums, which produce flowers 10 feet high and 3 feet wide. The flowers smell of decaying flesh and are also known as corpse flowers, as pictured at the top of this post. Creative Commons Flickr photo courtesy of un_cola.
  • Of the odd 270,000 species of flowers that exist on earth, some 35,000 of those are various species of roses, which are some of the most gifted flowers in Australia. A famous florist in Sydney has had rose bouquets as one of its top selling items since last 50 years.
  • Montsechia vidalii, is till date, believed to be one of world’s oldest flowering plants. Fondly called by some as, “the mythical first flower”, it is thought to have bloomed more than 130 million years ago in Spain. Its fossil was discovered by palaeobotanists in 2015. Source.
  • The lotus was considered a sacred flower by ancient Egyptians and was used in burial rituals. This flower blooms in rivers and damp wetlands, but may lie dormant for years during times of drought, only to rise again with the return of water. Egyptians viewed it as a symbol of resurrection and eternal life.
  • For ancient Egyptians, the lotus is a symbol of resurrection and eternal life: it was considered a sacred flower and used in ancient Egyptians' burial rituals. This is because the flower blooms in damp areas like rivers and wetlands, but it can survive for years during droughts and bloom again when it is watered.
  • Did you know that an entire language was built around flowers? The language of flowers or floriography, has been around for many years but gained the most popularity during the Victorian era. Floriography consisted of an actual floral dictionary, where flowers replaced words and ‘talking bouquets’ carried encoded messages to, most possibly, express secret love and admiration. So much like sending text messages of our time!
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