Facts about Sunday - Sunday is the day of the week between Saturday and Monday. In most Western countries, Sunday is a day of rest and a part of the weekend, whereas, in much of the rest of the world, it is considered the first day of the week.
Today in this post we are going to share Facts about Sunday. Please share this post with your friends. I hope you like this post.
60 Amazing Facts About Sunday
- In astrology, Sunday is associated with the Sun.
- Nearly all banks are closed on Sunday worldwide.
- Worldwide, nearly all banks are closed on Sundays.
- The Modern Greek word for Sunday means “Lord’s Day”.
- Professional golf tournaments often end on a Sunday.
- In the Thai Solar Calendar, red is the color associated with Sunday.
- Months that begin on a Sunday always have a Friday the 13th in them.
- K. TV show Antiques Roadshow has always been shown on a Sunday since 1979.
- In most Middle Eastern countries, Sunday is the first day of the working week.
- You can be fined up to $1,000 for whistling on a Sunday in Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Easter Sunday is the day that Jesus is said to have been resurrected from the dead.
- Many Nigerian languages name Sunday after "rebirth", "immortality", and "eternity".
- You can be fined up to 1,000 dollars for whistling on a Sunday in the US city of Salt Lake, Utah.
- In some Slavic languages like Polish, Ukrainian, Croatian, and Bulgarian, the word for Sunday means “no work.”
- However, almost is not all. In Russian, the word for Sunday is Воскресенье (Voskreseniye) meaning Resurrection.
- To seek the blessings of the palms, palm leaves, and branches are collected, blessed, and ashed on Palm Sunday.
- Easter Sunday is a significant day in Christian mythology. This was the day when Jesus was resurrected from the dead.
- The color red is closely associated with Sunday. Even the Catholic Church Vicar wears a red robe for Palm Sunday celebrations.
- In 321 AD, Roman Emperor Constantine I decreed that Sunday was to be a day of rest for all except those engaged in agricultural work.
- Originally the first day of the week rather than the last (in a calendar derived from Hellenistic astrology), Sunday is named after the Sun.
- In the U.K., most period TV dramas like Downton Abbey, Call The Midwife, Lark Rise to Candleford and Heartbeat commonly air on a Sunday evening.
- In January 1982, an incredibly chilly Sunday was called “Cold Sunday.” This day recorded the all-time lowest temperature across the U.S. and Canada.
- Unlike many of the other six days in a week, almost every language around has derived their word for Sunday from the meaning “Sun’s Day” or “Day of Sun”.
- Palm Sunday is the first Sunday of the Holy Easter week. People attend special Church services and light candles to mark victory and goodness on this day.
- Many countries in Europe like France, Sweden, Germany, and Belgium choose to hold their national and local elections on Sunday, either by law or tradition.
- Most motorsport events like MotoGP, Formula One, and NASCAR Sprint Cup races take place on a Sunday, with Saturday typically being when qualifying for the race takes place.
- “Bloody Sunday” was a Sunday in January 1972, where a violent event was observed in Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Another “Bloody Sunday” was a turning point for the Russian revolution in 1905.
- Sunday was first coined in first and second-century Rome. While your next ‘off-day’ is close and exciting, the first one is dated long back, way before its modern interpretations came into existence.
- Many American and British daily newspapers publish larger editions on Sundays, often including color comic strips, a magazine, a coupon section, and sometimes a twin release alongside a sister newspaper.
- Cold Sunday is the name given to Sunday, January 17, 1982, when incredibly cold air swept into the U.S. from Canada and plunged temperatures across most of the States far below their existing all-time lows.
- Sunday and sports also have close correlations. Sunday is the official ending day of all Golf tournaments. No one knows why, but it has long been a tradition to end professional golf tournaments on Sundays!
- Many suggest that Sunday for Sports could actually make sense from a business standpoint. As the official off-day of all the spectators, it perhaps does make sense to have sports events starting on Sundays.
- Many countries, mostly in Europe like France, Sweden, Germany, and Belgium (but also non-European countries like Peru), choose to hold their national and local elections on Sunday, either by law or tradition.
- the term “Sundae” in ice cream sundaes is actually related to Sunday. As created by Sonntag in Germany, it was to be called “Sonntag,” i.e., Sunday. Since Sunday was already taken, it came to be called Sundae!
- For Germans, “Sunday rest” is a serious affair. Sonntag or Sunday in Germany is a strictly enforced day of rest. No shopping, consumerism, and several other business closedowns are imposed in many parts of Germany.
- While other days of the week are different in different languages, cultures, and places of the world, a day of “the Sun” remains common. Sunday, Domingo. Zondag, Sonntag, and Dydd Sul are Sundays in different languages.
- Contrary to the “Sunday is the first day” theory, ISO, i.e., the International Organization for Standardization, classifies Sunday as day 7 of the week. We are not surprised, as many people in modern society do the same!
- As per Hellenistic astrology, Sunday was started as the first day of the week. However, eventually, in various countries, it came to be recognized as the day of no work. In Russia, Sunday is called Воскресенье which resonates with resurrection day.
- Formula one racing events and many other events like the NASCAR Sprint Cup and MotoGP have always been Sunday events. While this might be coincidental, too, it so happens that this “no work” day has been the first working day for many sportspersons.
- The name Sunday stems from the Roman day of the Sun God. Sun in the early Roman era was known to be all source of life, warmth, and illumination. Thus, it came to exist as a day of prayer and catching the pious rays of the Sun.tail, unlike anything you see in the forest.
- Contrary to the culture in many parts of the world, in some Muslim and Israeli countries, Sunday is set to be the first day of the workweek. So, both Christian and Hebrew calendars place it on day one! Only that one is a part of the weekend while the other is a literal first workday.
- Gloomy Sunday is the name of a popular song composed by Hungarian pianist and composer Rezső Seress and published in 1933. Also known as ‘The Hungarian Suicide Song’, this song has been the center of many urban myths linking it to the suicide of several people who had listened to the song.
- Even the newest way of chilling – “Netflix and chill” turn out to be Sunday compatible. Many TV and OTT dramas and shows air on Sundays. Especially Sunday Talk Shows like Meet the Press, Face the Nation, This Week, and Fox News Sundays have their own loyal followers who tune in every week.
- In Roman culture, Sunday was the day of the Sun God. In Paganism, the sun was the source of life and giver of warmth and illumination to mankind. Therefore, it was the center of a popular cult among Romans who would stand at dawn on a Sunday to catch the first rays of sunshine as they prayed.
- While Sunday is traditionally the chill day of the week, it also goes with many songs to relax. Sunday Girl, Sunday Morning, A Sunday Kind of Love, That’s What I Love About Sunday, Lazing on a Sunday Afternoon, and Everyday Is Like Sunday – are a mix of upbeat and sensational songs on the Sunday vibe.
- Sunday is named after and dedicated to the the Sun. In Roman culture, Sunday was the day of the Sun God. In Paganism, the sun was the source of life and giver of warmth and illumination to mankind. There was even a popular cult among the Romans who would stand at dawn on a Sunday to catch the first rays of sunshine as they prayed.
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