Facts About Titania Moon: Titania is the largest satellite of the planet Uranus. It is believed that this moon is composed of almost equal amounts of ice and stone - its surface is icy and the interior is stony. Some scientists think that there is a possibility of a water bed between the outer ice and the inner stone, but no definite evidence has been found yet. Due to the presence of some substances in the surface ice, the color of this satellite appears to be slightly red.
There are also many large craters on its surface due to fallen meteorites, one of which is 326 km in diameter. Yet another satellite of Uranus has been seen, Oberon .But there are more pits than this. Scientists estimate that Titania may have been filled with many craters due to the occurrence of many earthquakes and are no longer visible. Many photographs of Titania were taken when the Voyager II spacecraft passed near Uranus in January 1986, which has mapped about 40% of its surface.
Interesting Facts About Titania Moon
- Titania is also designated as Uranus III.
- Titania is a Moon that orbits the planet uranus.
- Titania is one of the five major moons of Uranus.
- The total volume of Titania is 493,409,857.61 mi3.
- It was discovered in the year 1787 by W. Herschel.
- Titania’s orbit is almost a perfect circular orbit.
- The total surface area of Titania is 3,019,645.81 mi2.
- Titania is the eighth largest moon in our Solar System.
- Titania completes an orbit around Uranus every 8.7 days.
- Titania has huge canyons as well as cracks in its crust.
- Titania is the largest of the five major moons of Uranus.
- Titania is one of the 27 known moons of the planet Uranus.
- The average orbit distance for Titania is 271,104.25 miles.
- The current images we have of Titania were taken by Voyager 2 in 1986.
- The largest crater on Titania is named Gertrude,after Hamlet's mother.
- Titania is the second closet of the five major moons to the planet Uranus.
- The largest crater on Titania is Gertrude and has a diameter of 202 miles.
- Titania is the seventeenth farthest moon from Uranus out of all 27 known moons.
- The canyons on Titania vary in size from 12-31 mi/20-50 km and 2-5 km in depth.
Scientific Facts About Titania Moon
- Geologists sometimes call canyons grabens and faults are sometimes calls scarps.
- The largest chasma on Titania is Messina Chasmata and has a diameter of 927 miles.
- Scientists think that Titania may have an atmosphere made up of only carbon dioxide.
- Many of the Uranus’ moons show effects of tidal heating which encourages liquid water.
- Titania is tidally locked to Uranus so that only one side always faces the parent planet.
- The most noticeable chasm on Titania is the Messina Chasm which is around 930 mi/1,500 km.
- Titania was discovered on January 11th, 1787 by German-born British astronomer William Herschel.
- Titania was discovered on the same day that Uranus’s second largest moon was discovered, Oberon.
- Titania is the largest moon, both by mass and diameter, out of all 27 known moons orbiting Uranus.
- Titania's weak gravity lets any gases escape into space and therefore it doesn't have an atmosphere.
- Due to Titania's tilt,each of Titania's poles experience 42 years in the sun and 42 years in the dark.
- It's believed that the original surface of Titania has been hidden or covered over due to resurfacing.
- Any hidden moons that are being shielded by the rings around Uranus wouldn’t be over 3 mi/5 km in radius.
- Uranus has a thin ring around it and scientists think that there may be more moons hiding within the ring.
Suprising Facts About Titania Moon
- The Equatorial Radius of the object is 789km. The value is the radius in km of the said object at the Equator.
- The makeup of Titania is believed to be due to being formed from debris and dust leftover from when Uranus was created.
- All of the moons of Uranus have an orbit around the planet on their sides. Titania’s tilt creates seasons that last 42 years.
- Scientists think that the canyons may be the youngest of Titania's geological features since they cut through pre-existing craters.
- Observations of some of the moons of Uranus indicate that there may be evidence of mixed carbon dioxide and water on their surfaces.
- Scientists that have studied Titania recognize that it has three geological feature classes that include: craters,faults,and canyons.
- Its mass is estimated/calculated at being 3,419,961,364,327,790,000,000 kg. Its density has been calculated at being 1.662. Its volume is 2056622001.
- The tidal pressures and tectonic movement on Titania gives it the ability to cover and resurface any of the impact craters and have a smoother surface.
- Titania is named after a character in Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Titania was the mythical queen of the fairies in this Shakespeare comedy.
- The colour of the moon is reddish in colour generally except when a fresh impact has occurred when it is blue. Oberon is also red but Titania is not as red.
- The exact materials that make up Titania are unknown,but due to the high density it's thought that Titania is made up of mostly water ice combined with some rocky materials.
- The orbital period, i.e. the period it takes to complete an orbit round Uranus is 8.70587 days. The figure is also known as the sidereel period. The figure comes from N.A.S.A..
- Titania has the presence of carbon dioxide but it is believed to only exist onaseasonal basis.Scientists believe that other gases might be present including methane and nitrogen.
Amazing Facts About Titania Moon
- The only time that a probe has visited the moon is when Voyager 2 flew past in 1986. All other observations and calculations have been done using telescopes both on Earth and in space.
- Titania is considered to be intermediate in brightness compared to the other moons of Uranus.It is somewhere in the middle between Oberon and Umbriel's dark and the brightness of Miranda and Ariel.
- Scientists are unsure whether the resurfacing process of Titania is due to tectonic movement because so much of the surface is covered in the ejecta from impacts that have hidden any impact craters.
- Other surface features on Titania are named after characters in William Shakespeare's plays including Ursula,Jessica,and Imogen,characters in Much Ado About Nothing,The Merchant of Venice,and Cymebline.
- The sideways tilt of all of the moons of Uranus give them the ability to get more polar radiation than at their middle. This warms the carbon dioxide at the poles creating a carbon cycle that is similar to that of Earth.
- Given that Uranus and all of its moons are tilted on their side,the fact that Titania has an almost circular orbit is unusual.Titania takes 8.7 days to complete its orbit and travels at an average speed of 3.64 km/second.
- Titania seems to match all of the moons of Uranus in that its geology showsacombination of resurfacing and impact craters.It's believed that the smoothness of the resurfacing is due to the settling of materials from impacts.
- The planet is believed to consist of ice and rock. The surface of Titania is littered with craters, but not as much Oberon another moon in orbit round Uranus. The largest crater is called Gertrude and has a diameter of 360 km.
- As I was asked by someone to clarify what km^3 means, it means Kilometers Cubed, i.e. 3^3 is 3*3*3. It doesn't mean 9. It refers to the size of the object, height, width and depth. Likewise, km^2 refers to the objects height and width.
- Scientists believe that Titania's high density indicates that it was created either from the leftover debris when Uranus was first formed or from the debris ofapossible collision with Uranus that caused the tilt of the planet to its side.
- The orbital inclination, the angle at which Titania orbits in relation to the orbital plane is 0.08 degrees. The orbital eccentricity is 0.0011, it is the degree at which Titania orbits close to a circular (0) orbit as opposed to an elliptical (1) orbit.
- Titania is the largest moon that orbits the planet of Uranus. It is the eighth largest moon in with the largest being Ganymede which orbits Jupiter. Ganymede is nearly three times as large as Titania. The name chosen is because it is similar to Titan which means giant and reflects it is the largest of Uranus' moon.
- Researchers don't know if Titania has any geological processes still occurring,but the presence of the large canyons on the icy crust may be the result of the freezing process right after the moon was formed.The process of freezing would have expanded the moon around7%causing the surface to crack and fissures to be exposed.
- The Escape Velocity of the object is 2,738 km/h. The Escape Velocity is the speed an object needs to be travelling in order to break free from the objects gravity. The larger an object is, the more velocity (speed) is needed to break free from the object.The semi-major axis of the orbit is 436.3 10^3Km, which is the furthest point from the centre to the edge of an elliptical point.
- The equatorial circumference of Titania is 4956.8 km. The surface area of Titania is 7,820,846.75 Km^2. The surface gravity of the said item is 0.367. It is expressed in as a decimal with 1 being equivalent to Earth's surface gravity. The Mean orbit velocity, that is the speed at which it orbits is 13120.00 km/h. The is the average distance in km of the object is from its parent 436300.00.
- In addition to craters, there are a number of Canyons, the largest canyon is Messina Chasmata which named after the town in Sciliy that is mentioned in the Shakespeare play "Much Ado About Nothing". The Messina is over 1500 km. The atmosphere is believed to posses a thin atmosphere of carbon dioxide that has been accumulated over the life of the moon. The canyons are cracks in the moons crust. Planets Edu.
- An unusual situation occurs due to Uranus and its moons orbiting on their sides.The moons get more solar radiation at their pole areas than at the equators.When this happens any carbon dioxide that has collected at the poles is warmed and when it reaches -1880C,the carbon dioxide moves inaprocess called sublimation to the opposite polar and equatorial area.When the opposite pole is facing the sun the process is reversed.This gives Titaniaakind of"carbon cycle."
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