Facts About Wind Energy - Wind power or wind energy is mostly the use of wind turbines to generate electricity. Wind power is a popular, sustainable, renewable energy source that has a much smaller impact on the environment than burning fossil fuels. Historically, wind power has been used in sails, windmills, and windpumps but today it is mostly used to generate electricity. Wind farms consist of many individual wind turbines, which are connected to the electric power transmission network.
Today in this post we are going to share Facts about Wind Energy. Please share this post with your friends. I hope you like this post.
Cool Facts About Wind Energy
- There are wind turbines in over 38 states.
- Each turbine blade is normally 260 ft long.
- A single commercial turbine can power 600 homes.
- A wind turbine has as many as 8,000 different components.
- The first modern turbine was built in Vermont in the 1940s.
- Dogger Bank is the biggest offshore wind farm in the world.
- The first modern wind turbine was built in the 1940s in Vermont.
- Newer, more advanced turbine blades are extending over 300 feet.
- In 2008, the USA provided 52 billion KW of electricity in total.
- In Europe, Uk is the leader in the offshore wind energy industry.
- The tips of very large wind turbines can reach eights up to 200 m (650ft).
- More than 45,100 wind turbines were operating by the end of the year 2012.
- Wind energy was first developed with windmills in 200 BC in Persia and China.
- Wind energy is the only form of alternative energy that doesn’t require water.
- That’s also 25 times more energy than was being produced by wind turbines in 2000.
- Since the year 2000, the production rate of wind energy has increased by 25 times.
- According to studies, around 681,000 birds pass away every year due to wind turbines.
- 60,007 MW is the total installed wind capacity in the U.S. by the end of the year 2012.
- To know the speed of the wind and its path, the installation of windsocks is preferable.
- 1 MW of wind energy has the potential to eliminate around 2,600 tons of carbon dioxide.
- Turbine towers normally stand over 328 ft tall. That’s taller than the statue of liberty.
- Wind energy is so affordable that it is available at 2 to 4 cents per kilowatt every hour.
- Wind energy accounts for more than a third of all newly installed US electricity generators.
- Italy has selected Nordex to produce 55 MW of wind turbines for various wind energy projects.
- Spain has set up a target of installing 1 to 3 GW of floating wind turbines by the year 2030.
- Wind energy is extremely affordable. In 2014 wind energy was being sold for as low as 2.35 cents.
- According to NREL, 1MW of wind energy can offset approximately 2,600 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2).
- Wind energy has become so popular that it is now the largest source of renewable energy in the USA.
- Germany has chosen Vestas wind turbines for a commercial project where no subsidy will be required.
- Most good wind farms are located in rural regions away from the cities where electricity is required.
- Smaller wind turbines can be used to charge batteries or as backup power in caravans and sailing ships.
- In 2017, a total of 15,680 MW of wind energy was installed in Europe which marked the development of 55%.
- Most of the modern wind turbines have 3 blades which can reach speeds at the tip of over 320 kph (200 mph).
- Research shows that a big and efficient wind turbine can supply approximately 2 MW of electricity to people.
- A wind turbine can be as high as the Statue of liberty in the USA, i.e, its size can be more than 328 feet tall.
- Wind energy produces more than 20% of the total electricity production in countries such as Denmark and Portugal.
- A recent report has let out the news of Australia building the largest renewable energy port on its western side.
- The major drawbacks of wind energy are: high installation costs, change in wind speed, and not suitable for all areas.
- Wind power industry provides jobs to more than 67% of American adept people which is higher than the national average.
- The US has over 500 wind turbine manufacturing plants that produce a majority of our turbines and employ 73,000 people.
- Fântânele-Cogealac Wind Farm is the biggest wind farm in Europe which is situated in Romania. It is an onshore wind farm.
- In a report in 2016, the U.S Department of Energy stated that the country produced about 82,000 MW of wind power that year.
- An interesting fact is that wind turbines based on land get more breeze during nights when electricity is not much coveted.
- The largest turbine created is located in Hawaii. It is twenty stories tall and each blade is the length of a football field.
- Re-establishing and renovating India’s some of the top wind farms can increase India’s wind energy potential by almost 30 GW.
- China produces the most wind energy in the world. The United States closely follows as the second largest wind energy producer.
- In the USA, approximately 80% of the total requirement of wind energy is generated in the coastal regions or along the seashore.
- Isolated locations are provided power by small onshore wind farms. Power from small wind farms is purchased by utility companies.
- Various myths related to wind farms are: wind farms are ugly and popular, they are noisy and produce energy only 30% of the time.
- In the year 2009, according to a report, the USA is said to have produced 1% of the total electricity supply through wind energy.
- The USA also made attempts to reduce the consumption of 260 billion gallons of water by incrementing the utilization of wind energy.
- If we look at the cost of wind energy, it has been reduced by almost 90% since 1980. Thus, it is getting cheaper with changing times.
- Wind turbines can even be installed on floating structures that can send the electricity back to land with the help of undersea cables.
- In 2016, among other states Oklahoma, Texas, Lowa, Kansas, and California were at the top in the USA to have installed more wind energy.
- The wind energy industry is becoming so popular that big corporations like ENI are entering the wind power market in order to expand it.
- Wind energy can be a great source of an alternative to fossil fuels and has been a growing trend in many countries, especially in Europe.
- Offshore wind turbines are quite tall in size to trap wind. Note that an offshore wind turbine can be as high as the Washington Monument.
- Study shows that the biggest wind turbines in the UK can provide electricity to as many as 600 households to fulfill their domestic needs.
- Wind energy was then used for hundreds of years to pump water and crush grain. People also used sails on sail boats as a form of wind power.
- The largest wind turbine in the world is located in the US in Hawaii. It stands 20 stories tall and has blades the length of a football field.
- The direction, pressure, and speed of the wind also impact landscapes. Wind energy gives shapes to landforms which are called Aeolian Landforms.
- Approximately $25 billion of investment was done in 2012 in new wind projects and it brought the 5-year annual average investment to $18 billion.
- China is said to have installed about 29 GW of wind power in 2015 which is considerably higher than 2014 when 21 GW of wind energy was installed.
- For the offshore wind turbines, only 1.1 GW of wind energy was utilized by the world in 2007 whereas today, the demand has surpassed almost 19GW.
- Wind power is also unique for the fact that it does not use any water. By 2030, wind power will save around 30 trillion bottles of water in the U.S.
- Albert Betz, was a German physicist and a pioneer of wind turbine technology. He discovered wind energy theory and published in his book Wind-Energie.
- In the last quarter of 2012, Texas led the nation in new wind installations (with 1,289 megawatts), followed by California, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Iowa.
- Modern and developed wind turbines can be defined on the basis of the place where they are situated such as Land-based, offshore, and distributed wind.
- There are 5 different types of winds namely, planetary wind, trade wind, westerlies, periodic and local winds which have their own unique significance.
- Today’s wind turbines are much more complicated machines than the traditional prairie windmill. A wind turbine has as many as 8,000 different components.
- Wind farms can be constructed in offshore locations. Winds are steadier and stronger in offshore locations but setting up the infrastructure is costlier.
- Apart from generating employment, wind farms also provide rental revenue to the rural population where plenty of space is available to set up a wind farm.
- Large groups of wind turbines called wind farms have been installed in 38+ states of the U.S. and are currently operating utility-grade wind installations.
- As much as 20% of electricity consumed by the U.S. could come from wind energy by 2030 but need for clean energy tax credits is a must for achieving this target.
- In order to promote the wind energy industry, government institutions of many states provide incentives and tax reductions to those who indulge in this industry.
- According to a survey, China is found to have installed more than 46% of the total wind power of the world in 2015. That year, the USA set up 8.6 GW of wind energy.
- Windmills have been in use since the very beginning of life. However, advanced and modern wind turbines were first established in Vermont in the USA during the 1940s.
- Another exotic fact is that wind energy can be stored through various means such as compressed air storage, battery storage, hydrogen fuel cells, pumped storage, etc.
- Wind energy is a renewable and pollution-free source of energy. It is mostly used to generate electricity and is an abundant source of energy in many parts of the USA.
- In the year 2009, the U.S. generated 1 percent of total national electricity production at the time. The energy generated was approximately 52 billion KW hours in 2008.
- Smaller wind turbines are capable enough to be utilized as chargers or backups for batteries. They can also be used to supply power to moving vehicles such as caravans.
- In the case of wind turbines that are situated far away in the sea, the weather is more blustery during the daytime when the requirement for electricity is at its peak.
- Turbines are getting taller to reach faster, more constant winds higher in the atmosphere. The higher you go the faster the winds and the more energy that can be produced!
- The US Energy Department provides a wind resource map that shows average wind speeds and potential wind energy capacity if you want to install a wind turbine in your area.
- In 2016, the USA started its first commercial wind power service in Rhode Island and 41 of the total states in the USA were able to provide utility-scale wind power service.
- Apart from its technical uses, wind energy is used for various domestic purposes such as drying out wet clothes, getting relief in cool air from the scorching summer heat, etc.
- Germany is the world leader in terms of its potential to install wind energy. Spain is the second most efficient country to have a capacity to set up wind turbines and windmills.
- A regular wind turbine is composed of 3 blades which are 131 feet long and contain durable and sustainable materials such as glass and carbon fibers, polyester, vinyl, and resins.
- Albert Bertz, a German physicist, was the first man on earth to find out about windmills and wind turbine mechanisms. He wrote a book about it. The name of the book is Wind-Energie.
- A report presents that the number of wind turbines installed in the USA is more than 500 which has the ability to provide employment to more than 73,000 people all over the country.
- A study shows that in 2016, the number of jobs available in the wind energy industry ameliorated to 32% where a total of more than 1000,000 people were provided jobs in this industry.
- There has been significant growth in the number of installations of wind turbines since 2007 when barely 100 GW of wind power was utilized whereas today, we use 540 GW of wind energy.
- Despite the popularity of solar energy, the wind energy industry is at the top of the renewable energy market and the number of installations of wind turbines is increasing day by day.
- It is found that in 2015, the USA made efforts to decrease 12.3 gigatons of greenhouse gases from getting infused into the environment by increasing the volume of wind power production.
- Wind energy can also be utilized to pump out water from the ground. This method has been in practice for ages. It is still much desired and is one of the best ways to utilize wind energy.
- In order to attain a pollution-free world and reduce the level of global warming, Nova Scotia has set up an aim of generating 80% of renewable energy of the total energy required by 2030.
- One of the USA’s biggest wind energy farms is found in Texas named Horse Hollow Wind Energy Center. This place contains above 400 wind turbines covering an area of about 47,000 acres of land.
- In Spite of all these benefits, a big constraint of wind energy is that windmills and wind turbines can be set up in only those areas which receive abundant wind to convert it into electricity.
- In 2015, the United States planned to reduce 12.3 gigatons of greenhouse gases and save 260 billion gallons of water by increasing the use of wind energy to power homes, schools, and businesses.
- Another less known fact is that China has the biggest onshore wind power plant in the world named Gansu Wind Farm which has the potential of providing 20,000 MW of power as per a survey of 2020.
- There is utility-scale wind power (from turbines over 100 kilowatts) installed in 41 states. There is distributed wind installed in all 50 states plus Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
- Approximately 80,700 people were involved in various wind-related jobs at the end of 2012 across fields such as development, siting, construction, transportation, manufacturing, operations, services.
- It is quite interesting that the wind turbines installed in onshore locations have the capacity to provide about 3MW of energy. The cutlass or blades of the turbines are said to be about 50m in width.
- In 2014, enough wind energy was produced to power more than 17.5 US homes annually. Thats every home in Alaska, California, Delaware, DC, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Vermont combined.
- Wind energy is affordable. Wind prices for power contracts signed in the last few years and levelized wind prices (the price the utility pays to buy power from a wind farm) are 2–4 cents per kilowatt-hour.
- A typical quintessential wind turbine has blades as long as 260 feet. However, the modern and more advanced, and technologically developed wind turbines consist of blades spreading above 300 feet in length.
- By now, we all know that wind energy eliminates the extraction of harmful gases into the atmosphere. A wind turbine is capable of reducing 125 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from infusing into the air.
- Researchers of URI have been allotted a federal grant of $ 1.2 million and have been given a fellowship in order to expand people’s knowledge and create a report about offshore wind turbines that are floating.
- Wind turbines and windmills do not need a concrete solid base for installations. They can be situated on floating objects and the wind power generated can be transferred to land via cables and underwater wires.
- Hawaii in the USA contains the largest and biggest wind turbine in the whole world. This wind turbine is enormous in size with lengths of blades that replicate the size of a football ground. It is 20 stores tall.
- A report states that contrary to the popular belief that wind turbines are hazardous to health, about 95% of the total number of people who work in or live near a wind turbine give optimistic or neutral opinions.
- Albert Bertz stated that about 59% of the kinetic energy of the wind can be transferred to provide power. However, it is found that only 20 to 30% of the wind’s kinetic energy can be converted by a regular wind turbine.
- Wind energy yields a generous tax revenue to the government bodies and other apex institutions. Reports show that the American local and state government generated a total of $ 1.8 billion in tax revenue in recent years.
- Potential offshore wind turbines have the capacity to produce four times more electricity than the US electrical grid can accommodate. This makes offshore wind energy a great solution for densely populated coastal cities.
- We are already aware of the job-creating ability of the wind energy industry. Its growing popularity and demand have led experts to speculate that by 2025, more than 3.3 million new jobs will be available in this industry.
- In order to get access to a personal wind turbine, you do not need to own an enormous amount of land. A small wind turbine can be installed in your garden or the backyard of your home to be able to provide power to your house.
- Human civilizations have harnessed wind power for thousands of years. Early forms of windmills used wind to crush grain or pump water. Now, modern wind turbines use the wind to create electricity. Learn how a wind turbine works.
- Studies show that in 2019, wind power was able to save 198 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from getting emitted into the atmosphere and, thus, has helped to protect the environment from harmful, toxic, and dangerous gases.
- Did you know those wind turbines that are taller in size are more preferable? This is due to the fact that wind turbines that stand taller receive more wind which in turn speeds up the process of converting wind power into electricity.
- As per the information released by the Center for Biological Diversity, as many as 1,300 eagles, falcons, hawks and other predatory species are killed each year due to wind turbines that were constructed along a critical migration route.
- Wind energy is underutilized as of now and holds tremendous potential for the future. Though there has been a 25% increase in wind turbine use in the last decade, wind energy still provides only a small percentage of the energy of the world.
- While solar energy is the most used form of renewable energy, wind energy is the USA’s most coveted and utilized form of renewable energy. Research shows that almost 7.4% of the total electricity generated in the USA is derived from wind energy.
- Wind energy provides more than 10% of total electricity generation in 16 states, and more than 30% in Kansas, Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Oklahoma. Overall, wind energy supplied more than 8% of total U.S. electricity generation in 2020.
- Most of the components of wind turbines installed in the United States are manufactured here. There are more than 530 wind-related manufacturing facilities located across 43 states, and the U.S. wind industry currently employs more than 116,000 people.
- In 2011, a report was presented by John Hopkins University which stated that in order to get the best results, the wind farms should maintain a distance of 15 rotors diameter. This way the wind farms serve more convenience to the users and yield more profit.
- A wind turbine consists of about 8,000 parts. In the process of trapping wind and converting it into electricity, a lot of components are required. The rotor, gearbox, generator are some of those. Each of the components has a unique and significant role to play.
- Another astonishing fact about wind energy is that by the end of the year 2012, as many as 45,000 windmills and wind turbines were in function. The increasing demand for wind energy has given rise to the installation of more wind turbines over the last few years.
- We are all aware of the enormous size of the Sydney opera house. It is found that a quintessential wind turbine has the same height as the Sydney opera house, i.e, about 60 meters. In fact, if we add up the long blades or cutlass, it can even be up to 80 to 90 meters in height.
- We have learned that wind energy does not require the utilization of water. A survey conducted in 2014 by the Wind Energy Foundation showed that approximately 68 billion gallons of water could be saved by indulging in the wind power industry and installing more and more wind turbines.
- The wind energy industry is booming with changing times. A significant generation of employment has been created by this industry so far. More than 43 states in the USA have installed windmills and wind turbines which gave employment to more than 100,000 people across the country till now.
- In 2012, it is estimated that approximately $ 25 billion had been invested in the wind power industry to generate more electricity. Since 1990, the production of electricity through wind power has increased about 15 times. It is said that the wind power industry yields more than $ 10 billion per year.
- The United States’ wind power capacity was about 122,000 megawatts at the end of 2020, making it the largest renewable energy source in the United States. In 2020, U.S. wind power capacity additions equaled 17 MW. This growth represented $24.6 billion in investment in new wind power project installations in 2020.
- Wind energy is mostly harnessed by wind turbines which are as high as 20 story buildings and have three blades which are 60 meters long. They resemble giant propellers of airplanes mounted on a stick. The blades are spun by the wind which transfers motion to a shaft connected to a generator that produces electricity.
- The process of utilizing wind energy to generate power has been in practice since 200 BC. Countries like China had been indulging in the process of getting water from wind-powered water pumps since the very dawn of history. In the Middle Eastern countries and Persia, windmills were being used by farmers to grind grains.
- Wind energy is one of the fastest-growing energy sources in the world. Wind turbines take the wind’s kinetic energy and convert it into mechanical energy. The generators then convert that mechanical energy into electrical energy. For example, windmills produce mechanical energy, enable sails to move boats, and generate electricity.
- The last few years have seen a capricious rise in demand for wind energy. Many countries, states, cities, towns, and even rural areas have installed windmills and wind turbines. According to a survey, the USA has installed more than 60,000 MW of wind turbines till 2012. Even the American government is keen to promote the wind industry.
- Windmills have been in use since 200 B.C. and were first developed in Persia and China. Ancient mariners sailed to distant lands by making use of winds. Farmers used wind power to pump water and for grinding grains. Today the most popular use of wind energy is converting it to electrical energy to meet the critical energy needs of the planet.
- Research shows that using wind energy to generate power does not cause the emission of any harmful greenhouse gases, unlike fossil fuels. It is a clean source of energy that does not adversely affect the atmosphere and minimizes pollution. Wind power is a renewable source of energy that is sustainable in nature and, therefore, is eco-friendly.
- Wind energy creates a positive impact on the economy of rural areas. Setting up windmills and wind turbines in small towns and villages paves the way to commence new businesses. The electricity generated from the wind turbines is supplied to the nearby cities which creates new opportunities among the rural population in terms of jobs and trades.
- Another great fact is that an onshore wind turbine can provide power to and fulfill the requirements of approximately 1,500 homes whereas an offshore wind turbine of 3.6 MW can provide complete satisfaction to more than 3,000 houses. This is supposedly due to the fact that offshore regions receive blustery weather as compared to onshore locations.
- Wind energy is valued because it is a clean source of energy and causes minimum pollution. Operational costs are minimal after the erection of turbines. Mass production and advances in technology are making turbines cheaper than never before. Wind energy is also receiving subsidies and benefits from governments keen to popularize this clean source of energy.
- Offshore wind represents a major opportunity to provide power to highly populated coastal cities. There are small projects installed off the coasts of Rhode Island and Virginia, and the first commercial-scale project has been approved for installation off the coast of Massachusetts. See what the Energy Department is doing to develop offshore wind in the United States.
- Another significant advantage of wind energy is that a very little quantity of land is required for the installation and operation of wind turbines. This leaves room for other activities, such as farming, irrigation, etc. Therefore, wind turbines ensure optimum utilization of available resources where space is utilized effectively. This creates convenience for the users.
- Wind energy can also be used to solve household or domestic problems. Apart from their industrial use, wind turbines can also furnish residences with the required electricity and provide assistance during major blackouts. The utilization of wind power for domestic purposes also ensures that the energy costs are standardized and there is no fluctuation over a period of time.
- Higher wind speeds mean more electricity, and wind turbines are getting taller to reach higher heights above ground level where it’s even windier. See the Energy Department’s wind resource maps to find average wind speeds in your state or hometown and learn more about opportunities for taller wind turbines in a report from the Energy Department’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
- Wind turbines are big. Wind turbine blades average almost 200 feet long, and turbine towers average 295 feet tall—about the height of the Statue of Liberty. The average nameplate capacity of turbines is also increasing, meaning they have more powerful generators. The average capacity of utility-scale wind turbines installed in 2020 was 2.75 megawatts (MW), up 8% from the previous year.
- Despite all these major benefits of wind energy, people tend to resent the use of wind turbines as they are supposedly quite noisy. The blades are said to make a high-pitched sound while spinning. Several birds are also said to become victims of the sharp blades. However, the latter point is not entirely correct since in most cases birds tend to die of harsh weather and natural causes.
- By now, we all have become aware of the job-creating power of the wind industry. The wind industry does not only provide work to daily workers but also contains high-profile jobs and needs managerial and highly educated persons. Some examples of highly qualified jobs of the wind industry are engineers, technicians, managers and managerial staff, administrators, and an entire support crew.
- The largest turbines can harness energy to power 600 American homes. These turbines form wind farms and hundreds are arranged in lines in windy spots like a ridge. A small turbine in the back yard can easily power a small business or a home. A wind farm is a collection of wind turbines in the same location. Many wind farms provide rental income to rural communities where they are situated.
- Although wind energy does need heavy investment, it is quite budget-friendly in the long run since the maintenance cost is effectively low. In fact, a study shows that the cost of wind power has drastically dropped since 2009. About 71% of reduction in its cost has been found. Day by day the process of using windmills and wind turbines is becoming more and more economical and cost-effective.
- Wind energy is the fastest-growing mode of electricity production across the planet. In 2012, $25 billion was spent on wind energy investment. Modern turbines harness over 15 times the electricity generated in 1990. Wind power in the U.S. is a $10 billion a year industry. The biggest source of new generation capacity for electricity in 2012 was wind energy accounting for 40% of total capacity.
- Another less known fact about wind energy is that windmills and wind turbines work more effectively and provide much more convenience when they are installed in places away from the shore, i.e., offshore installation of windmills yields a better result. However, a major obstacle in setting up wind turbines offshore is that it requires a huge investment for creating faculties and infrastructure.
- Wind energy paves the way for various sports activities. The various wind sports are windsurfing which is done by using a mast and a sail, sailing which is a traditional method of entertainment, land sailing which is congenial to sailing but is done on land using a vehicle having wheels, and a sail. Kitesurfing, Kiteboarding, Kite Buggying, etc. are some other popular forms of entertainment or wind sports.
- Keeping in mind the changes in preferences of people and the rise in demand for wind power, it is expected that by the year 2050, the wind energy industry will be capable enough to produce one-third of the total energy requirements of the entire population. There has been a sudden boom in the wind power industry from the year 2000 to 2006. If it keeps growing this way, the mentioned milestone might be achieved.
- The process of transmitting wind power to electricity grids is not even that complicated. The wind gets tapped by wind turbines set in wind farms which turn its kinetic energy to produce electricity. The power, thus, generated is transferred to the main electricity grid and from there it gets converted into electricity and reaches people for commercial and domestic uses. Therefore, wind energy is quite reliable.
- Wind energy was considered to be a strong navigational tool since 5000 BC. Many famous explorers like Christopher Columbus, John Cabot, and Vasco Nunez de Balboa have used wind energy to identify directions during their overseas expeditions and voyages. Moreover, in ancient history, trades between nations occurred through sea routes where wind served as an important element for the boats to sail along the waterway.
- Its increasing popularity, potential to serve and future prospects have made numerous companies tumble out of the closet to provide direct support or direct involvement in the wind power industry. Even The government bodies of varied states and regions are eager to promote this industry. Some potential companies involved in this industry are Siemens, GE Renewable Energy, Vestas, Invenergy LLC, Avangrid Renewables, etc.
- With the increasing population, the water demand is also rising. Wind energy saves you from misuse of water. Along with its other unique features, wind energy can function without utilizing any water. One of the most astonishing facts is that researchers have found that approximately 30 trillion bottles of water can be saved by 2030 in The United States alone if the usage of wind energy to solve multiple purposes is maximized.
- Wind energy is quite coveted in the transportation industry as well. We have already learned that famous explorers used wind as a navigational tool but in modern times, ships and other vessels have kites in them to help them sail along with the wind. This reduces approximately 30% of the fuel consumption. Therefore, many cargo ships companies are increasingly utilizing wind energy to decrease the use of fuel which in turn reduces cost.
- Did you know that wind can also be harnessed to run vehicles that operate on land? Apart from using wind energy for sailboats and ships, many cars can also be powered by wind energy. In fact, Australia has powered a car to complete a journey of about 3,100 miles using wind energy. Even though it was not completely powered by wind energy, it still sets an example. Thus, wind energy can be used to make cars function and it reduces cost and pollution.
- We have already learned how a wind turbine can produce noise. However, with the improved technology and mechanisms, it is found that modern and advanced wind turbines produce less noise than a car. The sound produced by a wind turbine depends on the movement of the cutlass or blades and, hence, is influenced by the speed of the wind and the amount of wind received. In some cases, the noise of the wind turbines is exaggerated and often misinterpreted.
- India’s largest wind farm is situated in Jaisalmer which is a district in Rajasthan. Its name is Jaisalmer Wind Park. It was established by Sulzon energy. This wind farm holds significant potential and is being used to serve numerous commercial needs. Various manufacturing, production, transportation, and telecommunication industries also state heavy demands for wind energy. This wind park has, thus, also created jobs for a great number of people in India.
- The wind energy industry is burgeoning by leaps and bounds. A global generation saw quadrupling from 2000 to 2006. In 2012, more than 70,000 megawatts of global capacity was generated. A single megawatt is enough to power 250 homes. The most installed capacity of wind energy is in Germany followed by Spain. The US and China are also catching up. If this growth momentum is sustained, wind energy will be able to meet one-third of global energy demands by 2050.
- Wind turbines have been criticized for some reason. It is claimed that wind turbines cause noise and disturb nearby residents. The slowly moving turbine fans are also accused of harming bats and bird populations of the locality but this accusation is unfounded as more birds are killed by other factors such as power lines, cars, and high rise buildings. Another criticism is that wind energy is variable- if there is no wind due to some reason, the generation of electricity stops.
- Wind turbines are mainly of two different types- horizontal axis and vertical axis. The horizontal one is installed in large wind farms to perform various functions. These ones are placed at an angle of 90°, i.e., right angle, where the cutlass spins vertically. The latter type is used more frequently and commonly in the industry where the blades wheel horizontally. A huge advantage of the vertical axis is that it is quite accessible. The generator and great box are available largely.
- Another popular myth about wind energy is that it can harm the electricity grid which might lead to poor service and more blackouts. Various reports claim that this is not true and is absolutely baseless. The entire process of transmitting wind energy to the electricity grids is always monitored by professionals and experts. If any imbalance takes place, it is immediately informed to the concerned authorities. Moreover, weather forecasts always tend to predict the amount of wind received by the wind turbines, hence, the entire system of converting wind energy into electricity becomes more efficient and productive.
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